Every online business owner wants to ensure that his or her web development objectives are on target. Web development includes Search engine optimization and appropriate use of keywords.
One of the ways many individuals are helping develop their website is by utilizing reputable site review sites. Interestingly there is even a site review that reviews other site review sites.
Let me seek to demystify what I am talking about. When you have worked to put all the finishing touches on the first draft of your website you may want to submit your site information to a site review service. This is typically a fee-based service where either peers or techies review the site using a laundry list of criteria.
What they are looking for are problem areas that can be fixed before your site goes live. They let you know how your site could improve navigational concerns and what text errors could be fixed.
There is another type of review site that you should know about. These sites review products and or websites for the public to view. This may or may not help you. What you are looking for are services that can assist you in the final stages of web development not those that give you a grade and then pass that along to the public.
Once your site is as on target as you want it to be THEN you can begin sending your URL to the site review locations that provide public opinion on your site if you decide you want to. This can be a good or bad thing simply because you never know how a single person will review a site.
I think it makes better sense to gain independent feedback prior to site launch and then work steadily on improving Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies. Unless there is significant positive buzz about your site you might avoid submitting to a public site review scenario. Yes, negative publicity is still publicity, but the roll of SEO will have a greater impact than by hoping for the best now with a public site review.
The reason publishers use editors is because no matter how talented an author may be there are likely to be mistakes that will be missed. The editor works to eliminate mistakes. This is the role of the private site reviewer in web development.
Web development takes into account the branding of the business and/or product and it seeks to ensure there is ample room for growth. This process is a positive in the context of ensuring your site is as error free as possible before you launch.
You can have a friend or family member look over your website and give their opinions. This can be a positive experience, but by using a private site reviewer you have the potential of a more objective opinion of the work.